The Green Party of Ontario will be hosting its 2016 Convention at Calabogie Peaks Resort, from May 13-15, 2016.
Just announced, our keynote speaker will be Jo-Ann Roberts, GPC candidate and former CBC Radio Host. We’re very excited to have Jo-Ann join us, to tell tales from her high profile campaign in Victoria, where she ended in 2nd place with a mighty 23,666 votes (that’s more votes than 151 MPs who were elected!)
Register now!

The convention is only 6 weeks away, and things are shaping up to be an excellent weekend. Here’s a snippet of what we have planned so far:
Hear from our Keynote Speaker, Jo-Ann Roberts
Participate in our Strategic Pathway to Election ’18 presentation & breakout sessions with GPO Leader Mike Schreiner & ED Becky Smit (members only)
Discuss the incoming policy and constitutional resolutions with passion and grace (available online)
Connect with like-minded, passionate Greens from across the province, in a beautiful setting in Eastern Ontario

Remember, all Convention registration payments and accommodations are eligible for a generous tax credit of up to 75% back. This means you could be paying as little at $73.53 after taxes for an entire weekend, food, gala dinner, speakers & accommodations!
Sign up for a day, evening or weekend. Keep tabs on the still evolving Calabogie Convention Agenda here.
Political Conventions are the place where party members forge policy and vote in elections. This year, registered Green Party of Ontario members don’t have to attend the Convention to cast their votes for the 2016 Provincial Executive Elections. For the first time ever, the GPO is are offering online voting through Simply Voting, a secure, independent voting management company.
Online voting will be open from April 16, 2016 to May 14, 2016 at 1:30 PM. You will receive an email from on April 16, 2016 with your unique link to the secure ballot and your password.
For more information on the election, please go to