You’re invited to join us for the Kitchener—Conestoga & Kitchener South Hespeler Annual General Meeting

Date: May 1, 2016
Time: 7 pm
Place: Huether Hotel
Barley Works, upper “Operations Room”
59 King Street North, Waterloo, ON, N2J 2X2
Please join other area supporters for our Annual General Meeting at 7 pm on Sunday May 1st, where we will elect our local Green Party executive for the upcoming year and discuss direction and plans for the future.

It is important that we strengthen our membership, engage our fellow citizens, and promote electing Green candidates. For these reasons, we encourage you to consider running for one of the positions on the Executive Board. The positions are not overly demanding of your time. The goal is to meet occasionally, organize info tables at local events staffed by volunteers, and ensure a Green presence in our community all year round.
The following positions on the Executive Board are open, with the first three being the most essential:
- Chief Executive Officer (GPC) or President (GPO)
- Chief Financial Officer
- Secretary
- Membership Chair
- Fundraising Chair
- Organizing Chair
- Communications Chair
- Member-at-Large
Elizabeth May joins Kitchener South—Hespeler candidate David Weber in elxn42 You must be a member of the Green Party of Canada or the Green Party of Ontario in order to vote or stand for a position on the corresponding executive at the AGM.
Don’t miss out on the fun!
Any person whose membership has lapsed within the last year may renew their membership at the meeting to acquire voting privileges. It’s preferable to do this online at the Green Party of Ontario website at or at the Green Party of Canada website
Contact David Weber (AGM organizer) for more information at 519-591-5773 or Hope to see you there!