August 5th to 7th, 2016 is the Green Party of Canada’s Convention in Ottawa.
It looks to be a fabulous jam packed weekend of events. If you haven’t registered, I believe it is still possible to attend the Convention although the Regular registration rate has ended. If you go, remember to save your receipts as a portion of convention fees are eligible for federal political contribution tax-receipts.
Although I’d love to be there for the keynote speeches and the Proportional Representation workshop, perhaps the thing I will regret missing most will be the debate and the opportunity to vote on the two policy resolutions put forward by our new Shadow Cabinet Justice Critic, Dimitri Lascaris, who wrote the:
Palestinian Self-Determination and the Movement for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions resolution
as well as cosponsoring the Revoking the Charitable Status of the Jewish National Fund Canada (JNF) resolution.
This may well be the first time this contentious issue will be publicly debated in Canada, particularly after the Canadian Parliament’s shameful motion to suppress free speech about BDS has cast even more of a chill over this contentious subject.
Fortunately those of us unable to attend this year will be able to watch the Convention livestream on The Real News Network.
Since that unfortunately includes me, if you are going, please give my regards to everybody there!