I am pleased to see these nearly unanimous results on the GPC website. All policy adopted at the 2016 Special General Meeting in Calgary has been ratified.
The lowest percentages were 85.1% and 86.9% … the remaining policy was approved by more than 90% of the voters. Thank you so much for participating in the democratic process. It is gratifying to see the Green Party of Canada leading the way on human rights issues for both Canadian and Palestinian indigenous peoples.
You can download your own certified copy of the Simply Voting results here.
S16-P001 Implement Recommendations from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Report, 1996
S16-P002 Rebuilding and Recognition of Original Indigenous Nations
S16-P003 Support Indigenous Women
S16-P017 Extreme Genetic Technologies
S16-P020 Husky Oil Spill
S16-D002 Affirm the democratic principle of post meeting ratification votes open to all members of the party
S16-D017 Referendum
S16-D018 Preferred Voting Model
S16-D019 GPC Task Force