The Green Party is committed to being honest about the problems we face and always acting with integrity. We work across party lines and with advocacy groups to achieve common goals.

In this spirit, Waterloo Region Greens fully supports the goals of the #DoneWaiting campaign. We commend the Canadian Labour Congress for pushing for an end to wage discrimination, sexual harassment and violence, and the chronic underfunding of child care.
Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner has called for a reform of our justice system to better serve survivors of sexual violence.
“Our party is committed to amplifying the voices of women and pressing for progress on these critical issues in the upcoming provincial election,” said Schreiner.
The Ontario Green Party has committed to running a full and gender-balanced slate of candidates in the 2018 election.
Greens are also calling for additional funding for reproductive health and women’s shelters.
Our plan for a provincial child care strategy in Ontario builds on the 2015 federal Green platform for high-quality affordable child care for all Canadians.
Greens understand that we need strong legislation to shrink the inexcusable wage gap, and to deliver a living wage for all workers. At the same time, we will help small businesses shoulder these costs by doubling the Employer Health Tax exemption limit.
Greens support a basic income guarantee that will provide stability for workers who are moving between jobs or starting a family.
These policies are not only a response to current events; they have been part of our platform in election after election.
Greens have always been committed to doing politics differently, and we’re happy to re-affirm that we’re done waiting, too.
Waterloo Region Greens represents the provincial and federal Green Party riding associations for Waterloo, Kitchener Centre, Kitchener South-Hespeler, Kitchener-Conestoga, and Cambridge.