[reprinted from KitConGreens: KitConGreens: A Good Time Was Had By All with more/different photos]
The Glorious Greens team of candidates was the very first WRGreens entry in the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival‘s Pancake Flipping Contest!

Since our Cambridge candidate Michele Braniff was unable to attend, Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner pitched in. (Just one of the many things that makes him a great leader!)
After watching the other teams compete on the obstacle course, Mike scientifically determined which team member should play which position.
But things didn’t actually work out as planned.
The Glorious Greens made it through two rounds before being disqualified; not bad for our first time out (and valuable experience for next time!)
In between times we got to meet interesting people.
#Wloo candidate Zdravko Gunjevic ran into his MP, the Hon. Bardish Chagger.
The Glorious Greens team got to pose with FlapJack, the festival mascot
#KitCon Greens’ Bob Jonkman introduced Mike to the Hon. Bardish Chagger.
The current Kitchener—Conestoga Green candidate (Bob Jonkman) and the previous Kitchener—Conestoga Green Candidate (David Weber) introduced Mike to the Kitchener—Conestoga Conservative MP, Harold Albrecht.
We had an information booth set up inside the Woolwich Memorial Centre.
Alongside our button making event…
…where kids of all ages…
…could make their own button…
while being serenaded with live music!
Our first outing at the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival was a great success.
Life is Sweet at the Elmira Maple Syrup Festival… what a glorious day! We hope to see you there next year!
You’ll find more photos in the WRGreens Flickr Album, the KitConGreens Flickr Album and Laurel Russwurm’s EMSF Flickr Album]