Note that this is not a Green Party event, although Green Party members are encouraged to attend
Earth is in crisis, but there is much we can and should do. How can we work with nature to heal the wounds we’ve inflicted?
A handful of leading-edge thinkers will be presenting their solutions at a public forum. All speakers have been involved in research and practices that contribute to the reversal of greenhouse gas emissions through natural agricultural approaches and tree-planting to restore land, and from environmental activists who see the need to encourage any and all methods to draw down existing carbon that will complement the technological methods of preventing future emissions.
This event will honour Michael Purves-Smith, who initiated the project, but did not live to see it take place. Michael’s goal was to raise awareness in Waterloo Region of the urgency for a holistic solution to the crisis of the biosphere.
Partnering With Nature To Heal The Biosphere
- Welcome and IntroductionJohn Jackson
- Start
Susan Bryant and Shannon Purves-Smith - 4 per 1000 Initiative
Jodi Koberinski - Climate Smart Food
Lloyd Helferty - Soil, Organic Matter, Decomposition
Dr. Paul Voroney, University of Guelph - Q & A
with panel - Population, Importance of Educating Women
Shannon Purves-Smith - Restoring Nature, Restoring Ourselves
Martin Tamlyn, Ignatius Centre - Nature Bonds and Transforming Taxation
Niara van Gaalen - Q & A
with panel
When: Tuesday, 16 October 2018 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Where: Kitchener Public Library Theatre
Location: 85 Queen Street North, Kitchener Map
Register: Partnering with Nature to Heal the Biosphere Tickets | Eventbrite
This event is being brought to you by Shannon Purves-Smith with support from the Grand River Environmental Network.