This is not a Green Party event, but since Sustainability and Ecological Wisdom are core values for all Green Parties everyone is encouraged to attend
The Grand River Unitarian Social Action Committee has just organized a fantastic lecture opportunity from Dr. Sailesh Rao. He is making a presentation at the Parliament of World’s Religions and has agreed to speak to us at our church in Kitchener on Sunday, November 4th, 2018.
He has presented at all the major Climate summits, including the Paris Accord and once worked with Al Gore. Being frustrated that no one was talking about the REAL causes of climate change he co-produced three films, including Cowspiracy and What the Health.
You can get more information from his website: Climate Healers
Jim Sannes <>
Social Action Committee
Grand River Unitarian
Faith and Climate Transformation
The search for spiritual awakening, the search for environmental sustainability and the search for social justice are all part of the same search for moral singularity, a state of being where we routinely experience the ultimate happiness that is already within us.
Free presentation and discussion with
Dr. Sailesh Rao
Co-producer of Cowspiracy: The sustainability Secret
Sunday, November 4, 2018, 1:00pm
Grand River Unitarian Congregation Map
299 Sydney Street South, Kitchener
Parking available, close to transit
Refreshments will be served.
Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save
Grand River Unitarian Social Action Committee