Kitchener—Conestoga Green Bob Jonkman wore his Fair Vote hat to join the Fair Vote Waterloo delegation that met with the Hon. Karina Gould, the current Liberal Minister of Democratic Institutions, at the Hon. Bardish Chagger’s Waterloo Constituency office last week.
Bob Jonkman chats with Electoral ReformersElectoral Reformers chat with the Hon. Katrina Gould about Electoral ReformGreens are ready for Electoral Reform to Proportional RepresentationProportional Representation is not going away!
Visit the WRGreens booth to say hi and chat about green issues, where we’ll have a button making table for kids of all ages!
But of course the real point of it all is the music! We’re looking forward to hearing indie Juno nominee Alysha Brilla (pictured below with Bob after her performance at the GPO Earth Day Rally.
For a taste of the program check out the promo:
WRGreens have been invited to join our friends at Brant Greens for their monthly Green Drinks social event. Apparently Green Drinks is a thing, and WRGreens is considering setting up our own version of events rotating through Waterloo Region.
Friday, July 13th at the Sociable Kitchen + Tavern
Enjoy a refreshing beverage and share the latest news on green events in Brantford-Brant.
Meet new friends who care about the environment, neighbours engaged in their communities, and other like minded, hard working folks like yourself, who share a common desire for a sustainable future.
Brant GreenDrinks is a great way to meet new people and enjoy the company of good friends. So bring a friend and look forward to meeting new friends. It’s an engaging evening of green thinking, sharing, and networking at its best!
Community members are invited to discuss the Canadian government’s buyout of Kinder Morgan’s pipeline and tanker project with local members of Parliament.
Excerpts of the film Directly Affected: Pipeline Under Pressure will be screened.
Following the film, Rev. Rosalyn Kantaht’nta Elm (Oneida Nation, and a priest serving the Anglican parish of Six Nations) will join Chief Myeengun Henry (Chippewas of the Thames) and Dr. Angela Carter (BSIA Fellow and Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at UW) to reflect on the film and lead a discussion.
Doors open at 5:30, plan to arrive by 5:45 to enjoy some snacks and find a seat. This event is free, with donations accepted to help cover the costs of the venue.
This year we’re looking forward to having our very first Waterloo Region Greens information booth at KULTRÚN.
The local World Music festival created by Neruda Arts began in Waterloo Square but quickly outgrew the space so they moved to Victoria Park. Kultrún always has a stunning mix of great music from around the world. (That’s where I became a fan of the Jerry Cans last year). Victoria Park has room for two full size stages, one by the Clocktower and the other down by the water. This lets them squeeze in even more music, with stage crews setting up one stage while the music flows on the other. It also keeps the audience moving back and forth, handy for an event dubbed “KW’s largest outdoor dance party.”
Pictured on my mini poster are Eliana Cuevas from the 2014 Jazz Festival and Alysha Brilla performing at this year’s Multicultural Festival. If you haven’t yet been, here’s a taste of what’s in store for you this year:
We know that people who start voting young tend to become voters for life. By including youth in the democratic process earlier, we can take a giant step towards a healthier democracy.
It flies in the face of fairness that 16 and 17-year olds are old enough to work — and pay taxes — while not being allowed to vote for the government those taxes are funding.
Elizabeth May and the Green Party strongly believe that our youth deserve better.
Cannabis should never have been made illegal, but since it was, the Green Party supports good public policy to rectify the mistakes of the past.
GPO Leader Mike Schreiner talks about Cannabis in Kitchener
The Green Party is pleased that Canadians will soon be able to access marijuana openly and safely — free from the threat of being criminally charged.
However, many thousands of Canadians who previously smoked or possessed cannabis, but were caught by police, will remain criminals in the eyes of the law. A disproportionate number of racialized Canadians have been charged, and all those convicted face serious obstacles applying for jobs and travelling abroad.
Join us in demanding the Liberal government provide amnesty for all Canadians convicted solely on charges of marijuana possession.
If Canada is to be a Climate Leader, we need to reduce our fossil fuel production, not triple it. #KeepItInTheGround
When Texas-based Kinder Morgan threatened to walk away from their disastrous pipeline and tanker project, the Trudeau government jumped in to buy them out with $4.5 billion of taxpayer dollars.
Canada is being sold a lemon by a bunch of billionaires from Texas, who are laughing all the way to the bank. Instead of investing in renewable energy, clean water for Indigenous peoples, and strong social programs, we’re buying a failing and risky dirty oil project.
Tell Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Bill Morneau to cancel the buyout of Trans Mountain now!