Have a Green Thanksgiving!

Although I have issues with the colonial origins of our “Thanksgiving” tradition, the idea of expressing public thanks for that for which we are truly thankful is a good one.  It is especially easy to forget such things when so many negative things are ongoing, but to be able to continue to work for a sustainable workable future, it is important not to allow despair to prevail.  We can draw strength from reminding ourselves that there is still plenty of good in the world, and by harnessing that good, we can build the future we need for our children, and generations to follow.

In 2018 Canada, I am thankful so many of us have come to understand the necessity of adopting a proportional representation voting system, in spite of Mr. Trudeaus’s attempt to shut the idea of a truly representative democracy back in the closet, as his predecessors have done throughout Canadian history.

So I am very thankful that, instead of allowing this to happen:

  • the Provinces of BC and PEI are holding electoral reform referenda
  • the Yukon Territory has undertaken a study of electoral reform
  • a new government has been elected in Quebec after all opposition parties made a public pact to enact Proportional Representation no matter which formed new government
  • Ontario struggles under an FPTP extremist government which strips its most populous city in the country of almost half its (already) inadequate municipal representation
  • New Brunswick again suffers an electoral outcome like that which triggered its previous electoral reform process
  • Alberta looks down the barrel at the prospect of right wing populism in its already toxic atmosphere of polarization
  • Canadian provinces are pitted against each other by the federal government
  • PEI political polling suggests the PEI Greens may form the first Green led government in Canada

As an Ontarian, I don’t care who’s first but we can’t afford not to change.  Defenders Of The Status Quo fight so hard because once any jurisdiction in Canada adopts Proportional Representation and the sky doesn’t fall, the rest of us will be able to see with our own eyes that the myths they’ve frightened generations of Canadians with have always been pure misinformation.  Once that happens, the rest of the country will fall into  Proportional Representation like dominoes.  We are surely at a Proportional Representation tipping point.

Even in the unlikely event PR is staved off a little longer, at least Canadians are beginning to understand that even with our existing grotesquely inequitable voting system, we need to stop being bullied into voting ‘strategically’ for lesser evils but instead vote for what we want.

I am thankful that all five Waterloo Region Greens ranked in the top 20% of Ontario Green Party candidates in the 2018 provincial election.

I am thankful that, in spite of staggering odds against, and in the face of the Broadcast Consortium’s exclusion from the Ontario Leadership debates, Mike Schreiner made history this year by winning election as our first Ontario Greens Member of Provincial Parliament.

Bravo Mike!

WRGreens are thankful for our estimable federal and provincial representatives:
Mike Schreiner and Elizabeth May.

And so I would like to wish us all a Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at WRgreens!

Laurel Russwurm

No Pipelines, Please #StopKM

If Canada is to be a Climate Leader, we need to reduce our fossil fuel production, not triple it.  #KeepItInTheGround

When Texas-based Kinder Morgan threatened to walk away from their disastrous pipeline and tanker project, the Trudeau government jumped in to buy them out with $4.5 billion of taxpayer dollars.

Canada is being sold a lemon by a bunch of billionaires from Texas, who are laughing all the way to the bank. Instead of investing in renewable energy, clean water for Indigenous peoples, and strong social programs, we’re buying a failing and risky dirty oil project.

Tell Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Bill Morneau to cancel the buyout of Trans Mountain now!

click to send a letter to PM Justin Trudeau & Minister Bill Morneau

[reprinted from the KitConGreens blog]

Hydro Rates are a good reason to Vote Green

The Green Party of Ontario is the only one of our 4 major parties looking to shutter our aging nuclear plants instead of investing billions more to refurbish them.

Some people have been misled into thinking the recent big spike in our hydro rates was due to the Liberal Green Energy Act, but in fact it has much more to do with the debt Ontario still carries from building these plants in the first place.  There are things wrong with the Green Energy Act, but this is not one of them.

WRGreens Waterloo candidate Zdravko Gunjevic put this little info sheet together:

And for those who think Ontario needs nuclear power to provide baseload, that hasn’t been the case at least since 2011 when I shot this video at a nuclear debate:

YouTube: Ontario Nuclear Power Debate

Now is time to transition to green energy.  Your Green vote will help.

Follow @zdravko_g  on Twiiter

Painting By-Elections #Green!

Elections Canada is holding 5 By-Elections across Canada on April 3rd, 2017.

An excellent way for small parties to break through the disproportional elections barrier is by making a splash in a by-election.  During a general federal election, everyone has their own riding to think about.  But when there are By-elections, a grass root party like the Greens can build itself a major advantage by strengthening our network by beefing up our numbers with cross border cooperation.

Here’s the thing: if you can help get a neighbouring Green candidate elected during a by-election, it will be that much easier to get more Greens elected in 2019 ~ perhaps even the candidate in your own riding!.

There’s less than a week left!!!


Daniel Green

Daniel Green's GPC web page

@DanielGreen_PVC on Twitter

 Daniel Green - Parti vert du Canada




email: daniel.green@partivert.ca


Caryn Bergmann

Caryn Bergmann's Green Party web page



email: caryn.bergmann@greenparty.ca

“We need change, we need action, and we need strong leaders to help make it happen. There is only so much one person can do, but one person can do so much.”
— Caryn Bergmann

Nira Dookeran

Nira Dookeran's GPC web page

@OttVanierGreens (Nira Dookeran)

Nira Dookeran on Facebook page




email: ottvan@greenparty.ca


Ryan Zedic

Ryan Zedic GPC web pageRyan Zedic on Facebook

Calgary Midnapore



email: ryan.zedic@greenparty.ca

Taryn Knorren

Taryn KnorrenTaryn Knorren GPC Webpage@TarynKnorren on Twittertknorren on Instagram

Calgary Heritage

Elections Canada Riding Map


email: taryn.knorren@greenparty.ca

How To Help

For those living close by, volunteering your time, whether to:

  • organize,
  • help out at events,
  • hand out flyers,
  • knock on doors (canvass),
  • stuff envelopes,
  • put up signs,
  • to answer phones
  • or whatever …

…even just a few hours here and there could make all the difference.

Attend events & debates to cheer them on!

No matter where you live, donations will help any of these candidates.

The one thing Greens are not using to the fullest is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal: social media.

Many of us are frugal about sharing things to our social media feeds because we are concerned about annoying our friends.  What people don’t realize is that Facebook, Twitter etc. don’t show everything we post to all of our friends and followers.

Even if you live on the other side of the country and don’t know a soul in the candidate’s riding, liking, retweeting and sharing will help them … because the more people engage, the more the candidate’s Social Media platform will spread their posts to more of their own followers!

Do you want to see Green videos go viral?  Share them!

Do you want to build a meme?  Share it!

Twitter tip: a <3 isn't as good as a Retweet.

EVERY time you share anything on Twitter or Facebook etc. you will be helping help increase the candidate’s social media reach ~ and increasing her odds of being elected!  .

Do you want to elect Green candidates?  Help make NOISE!

Help make HISTORY!