The Green Party of Ontario is the only one of our 4 major parties looking to shutter our aging nuclear plants instead of investing billions more to refurbish them.
Some people have been misled into thinking the recent big spike in our hydro rates was due to the Liberal Green Energy Act, but in fact it has much more to do with the debt Ontario still carries from building these plants in the first place. There are things wrong with the Green Energy Act, but this is not one of them.
WRGreens Waterloo candidate Zdravko Gunjevic put this little info sheet together:
And for those who think Ontario needs nuclear power to provide baseload, that hasn’t been the case at least since 2011 when I shot this video at a nuclear debate:
Our ad in Saturday’s Local Section of The Record (June 2, 2018)
In spite of a groundswell of public opinion, spurred by the non-partisan petition, the TV broadcasting Consortium refused to allow Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner into the televised Ontario Leader Debates.
Both Liberal Leader Premier Kathleen Wynne and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath expressed public support for Mike’s inclusion. The double barrelled argument was that not only does the Green Party of Ontario field candidates in every riding across the province, the GPO exceeded the 2% Elections Ontario threshold (earning nearly 5% of the vote).
Alas, the unaccountable Broadcast Consortium refused to bow to public opinion and excluded him anyway.
Locally CBCKW rigorously supported the Consortium’s GPO censorship by refusing to allow local Green candidates to be included in its riding specific local broadcast, unless one of the “big 3” candidates declined to attend. Stacey was invited to the Kitchener Centre broadcast, but was explicitly informed she had only been included because they only had 3 microphones, and PC candidate MaryHenein Thorn declined. Zdravko was excluded on Tuesday, Bob on Wednesday. Mr Norris neglected to inform his listeners he was excluding our candidates, so at the CNIB’s ReVision All Candidate’s Meeting, someone asked why Bob decided not to appear on CBC. It’s bad enough excluding us, but making it look as though some of our candidates chose not to show up is much worse.
But we have received some coverage. The Toronto Star Editorial Board endorsed Mike Schreiner for Guelph MPP. and hosted a video Q&A with the Green Party Leader.
The Agenda has given the GPO some excellent coverage as well, inviting our shadow cabinet members to participate, as well as analyzing the GPO Platform.
The biggest problem faced by Greens isn’t coming up with great policy, it’s getting it out there so people know about it. That is why this is such an important issue.
In spite of everything, I am convinced Ontario is going to join the Green Wave and send Mike Schreiner along with a healthy complement of Green MPPs to Queen’s Park. Like an opinion poll, that’s just a guess, but what I’m seeing and hearing suggests this will come to pass. Even in our Kitchener-Conestoga riding, a traditional Conservative stronghold, the turmoil within the PC Party could very well provide an opportunity in what should have been a safe seat. With the added bonus of the Liberal leader’s concession, our chances are even better.
What we do know for sure is that the addition of even a single Green voice in the legislature will be a game changer. And that can only be a good thing; not just for Greens, but for Ontarians. More and more people are starting to realize there is another choice. It really is time to start doing politics differently. If you haven’t yet voted, tomorrow ~ June 7th, 2018 ~ is the day.
As GPO candidate Andrew West says,
“If everyone…who ever thought about voting Green DID vote Green. we would win!”
~ @greenAndrewWest
If you need help getting to the polls, give us a call at 226-476-4529 and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.
The Green Party is gaining momentum across the province. Leader Mike Schreiner has crossed the province meeting with enthusiastic people who want integrity, intelligence and honesty in their choice and Schreiner delivers. In fact, Mainstreet polls predicted Schreiner would win his seat in Guelph.
Across the region our candidates and their teams are out everyday talking with potential voters. Looking at lawn signs reveals that people are tired of the status quo and find the Green platform refreshing and clear in objectives.
Today, the Green Party candidates for Waterloo Region Green Party have released a made-in-Waterloo Region platform to let the people in this region know that their Green candidates will be strong advocates for the needs of this community. Because they understand the value of collaboration and cooperation, the candidates created the document as a team.
The Green Party opposes “whipped” votes, something the 3 biggest parties engage in as a matter of course. If you want to understand why whipped votes are a problem, and to better understand the GPO position, join us on Sunday join at the WRGreens Campaign Office (6 Duke Street East, Kitchener, Ontario) for a screening of Sean Holman’s excellent documentary, “Whipped: The Secret World of Party Discipline”
The Liberals in previous years had a bad habit of having expensive dinners that cabinet ministers could attend. This is a problem as it means rich people have more access to the government then people with little or no disposable income. This can be a problem in a democracy.
In democracy, money shouldn’t outweigh citizens.
Mike Schreinerled the charge to reform political fundraising laws in order to stop this ‘pay for access’. During the process he also got corporation and union donations to political entities banned, brought down the donation limits (although the new limits are still higher than most people can afford).
Candidates, MPPs, cabinet ministers can no longer attend fundraising dinners. People do not have to pay to access Ontario politicians.
Elections Ontario has handy guidebooks for Political Parties, Candidates and their CFOs on their website. They are in easy to understand language, spell out clearly what are fundraising events and restrictions on who can attend these events. Donation limits are easily found out as well. The limit is $1222 for 2018. This amount can be donated to:
a Party, and
to a constituency association
and to a campaign.
You can donate $1222 in total to election campaigns. This can be donated to one campaign or spread out over several campaigns. The maximum you can donate in total is $3,666 in total.
Earth Day with David Suzuki
Election Finance laws are mildly frustrating for someone in the position of CFO or as a fundraising director. Having to say, “Sorry, you can’t donate that much, as much as I would like to accept it” or “no we can’t charge admission to this event” is hard to do. That is why the recent Earth Day rally in Guelph with David Suzuki, Sarah Harmer, Elizabeth May and Mike Schreiner was free. Anyone could attend the event. We did ask for donations at the event, which is allowed, but a donation was not required for attendance.
However, the frustration is worth it to make democracy stronger. Everyone should have access to the people running for office and in office without having to pay for the privilege. The representatives elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario are there to represent us, the people in the province. Right now, we are having an election, essentially one big job interview for candidates. We all should have access to them, no matter how much money we have, because the candidates who are elected are supposed to represent us at Queen’s Park.
When people running for office break Election Finance laws, I wonder what they do they really think about democracy? What other laws will they break to get or retain power?
The laws governing election spending limits and ‘pay for access’ are there to help make our elections fair and democratic.
Large election events don’t just happen. They are never planned in isolation. Candidates (and especially leaders of parties) never just show up. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and is never an excuse.
Election laws are there to protect you, the people of Ontario.
The Waterloo Region Greens are ready to make history by sending some Green MPPs to Queen’s Park!
Drop by 6 Duke Street East, Kitchener to pick up a sign, or to volunteer, donate, or just say “hi”!
Special thanks to Tori, who created a fabulous banner, and thanks to the sign crew– Greg, Mark, James, Elliot– who did an excellent job hanging it today!
The marker shows points to the 2018 WRGreens Campaign Office in the Duke Street Food Block. Original Interactive map is available at Open Street Map
This year’s WRGreens Campaign Office is located downtown at 6 Duke Street East, Kitchener, ON N2H 2G9. We will be having an Office Opening Party here Sunday night, when parking is free and relatively easy.
But generally the parking situation is much more complicated than it was at our 2015 Office in Waterloo.
The Ion came calling on Saturday!
Since the office is shared by all 5 WRGreens campaigns, we’ll have visitors and volunteers from across the region. This post is intended to identify the issues to help those arriving by car steer clear of parking tickets.
Even though the system isn’t up and running yet, the ION is being tested throughout the city, and the LRT Track runs right in front of our new office. Last week Zdravko mentioned he hoped we’d get an opportunity to see an LRT train come by. As exciting as that may be, in practical terms it means the loss of about five parking spaces in front of the Duke Food Block.
All vehicles except the ION itself are prohibited from driving or even stopping on the LRT tracks. There are huge fines if you do, and we’d rather not see that happen. If you need to unload, you can always stop in the roadway on the other side of the LRT track, put on your hazzard lights, and unload quickly. If you’re on your way within 10 minutes or so it shouldn’t be a problem, although it may annoy traffic behind you. If you proceed past the office and go around the corner, turning right on Queen Street you can park in the loading zone.
Parking Regulations
Kitchener has complicated parking rules, and we don’t want our volunteers and visitors to get ticketed.
Street parking is allowed in the area marked within the red streets allowed for 2 hours. After which there is no parking in the zone again for 5 hours. You can either find a space outside the zone, or park in a pay lot or parking meter.
Outside the 2 hour Red Zone, the the City of Kitchener default is 3 hour street parking from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. year round. Outside of winter (April 1st through November 30th). the City of Kitchener allows overnight parking on any city street from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. UNLESS this conflicts with other posted parking regulations.
on, or over any sidewalk
paved or grass covered city boulevards, including the bit between the sidewalk and the street
facing the wrong direction
on private property without the owner’s permission
within 3 metres of a fire hydrant
in a designated fire route
in a space designated for disabled people (unless a valid MRO permit is clearly displayed on the dashboard)
if your vehicle’s license plate is expired
Trucks exceeding 4,600 kg weight
“If your vehicle is found in violation of any of our parking bylaws, you may be issued a ticket and your vehicle may be towed at your own expense. Parking violation fines can range from $15 to $300.”
The campaign is officially underway and there has been a flurry of activity already! Green signs are popping up all over the city, we’ve knocked on hundreds of doors, and a visit from our provincial leader, Mike Schreiner, helped kick off our campaign this past wednesday.
And tonight, Mike Schreiner has been excluded from CityTV’s televised Leadership Debate.
If you care about democracy in Ontario, if you can get down to City TV in Toronto tonight, please join the silent protest about the Green Party’s exclusion from the debate.
A contingent of WRGreens has gone down to join the silent protest. Signs are welcome. the Protest begins at 5:00 pm down at City TV News, 33 Dundas Street East in Toronto, and is scheduled to go on at least until the televised debate begins.
The Facebook event information can be found here:
“Can you please take five minutes to help Mike Schreiner be invited to the CityNews Toronto televised provincial leaders’ debate this Monday?
PHONE: 416-599-CITY (2489)
* press “4” for the general mailbox and leave a message (unfortunately their “Viewer Relations Dept” mailbox doesn’t seem to be working)