Don’t Let The Sun Set on Canada’s PEARL

Sunset at the Canadian Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL)
© by Dan Weaver, used with permission

Five years ago the 39% “majority” Harper Government wanted to close Canada’s Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) of the Arctic.

But it didn’t.

Waterloo Region “Stand Up For Science” Rally at Carl Zehr Square (2012)

Even so, the Canadian science community breathed a collective sigh of relief when the 2015 election replaced the Harper Government’s 39% “majority” with a Justin Trudeau 39% “majority” that promised “evidence based policy.”

But it seems that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government— like Stephen Harper’s before it, intends to close Pearl.  There was no press release or discussion, PEARL was simply ignored in the budget.  No funds are forthcoming. The important program is finished without funding, if it shuts down science will no longer be done there.

Why would this ostensibly pro-science government chosen to shut down the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL)?  This is a serious problem.

The Green Party of Canada released the following statement regarding the planned closure to Canada’s high Arctic research station:

The last time this vital research station on Ellesmere Island was threatened with closure was in 2012, during the infamous anti-science Harper years, which also featured the muzzling of scientists on the government payroll,” said Richard Zurawski, GPC Climate Change Critic.

“I am not surprised PEARL is on the chopping block again. The Liberals say a lot of nice things – mouthing all the proper words at the right time, projecting a pro-science and research campaign – while simultaneously choking off funding and giving vested fossil fuel interests a free hand,” Mr. Zurawksi said.

GPC Leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands)

Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands), said: “The Arctic recorded its eighth lowest summer ice extent, along with the lowest winter extent this year, and ocean levels are rising at their fastest levels on record, which threatens low-lying coastal cities.

“Why would a government, supposedly so committed to science, climate change and international collaboration, allow this research station to be closed? I wish I had an answer. Without research, we will not discover answers. And without answers, we cannot take educated, informed action on climate change,” Ms. May said.

But it’s not too late to save PEARL … and Canadian atmospheric climate science!

Sign the Evidence for Democracy Petition in asking the government to:

  • Invest $1.5 million per year to make PEARL a national laboratory

  • Provide a well supported and stable funding environment for climate research in Canada by reinstating a funding model for climate science similar to the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS) that was cut by the Harper government.

Canadian Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) © by Dan Weaver, used with permission

Find out more at Evidence For Democracy

Read the CREATE Arctic Science blog

Image Credits
Sunset at the Canadian Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) and the photograph used in the Sign The Petition Save Pearl graphic are both © by Dan Weaver, and used with permission

Stand Up for Science and GPC Leader Elizabeth May (MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands) photos © by Laurel L. Russwurm are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License


Cannabis Lounges in KW?

Recently Waterloo Region has been catapulted into the news on the issue of cannabis:

But there have been positive articles, like the one about a “Family’s cannabis business will bring new life to former Lear plant in Kitchener.”  Though I’m no expert, it’s starting to sound as if existing medical marijuana manufacturers will be shut out of the industry altogether by Liberal legislation brought to us by ex-Toronto top cop Bill Blair.

And then there are the news stories like Now Magazine’s rundown of Marijuana, Inc: The buzz behind the Canadian bud biz the National Post’s Marijuana task-force member’s move to legal weed company raises conflict-of-interest concerns and Police chiefs and politicians: The new faces of corporate medical marijuana in B.C., the Toronto Sun’s looks at the  T.O. pot dispensary battle a ‘game of cat and mouse’ and Police chiefs and politicians: The new faces of corporate medical marijuana in B.C. while Macleans reports How public officials got into the weed game.

As Ms Emery writes:  Reefer monopoly madness – government doesn’t want to legalize pot, but DOES want to profit from it

Jodie Emery tweet: Friday at 8pm - I'm speaking in Kitchener, Ontario alongside @AbiRoach of @hotboxcafe at an event about cannabis lounges. Come say high! ✌🏻

Tomorrow night (Friday, September 29th, 2017) you can come to An Alternative Cannabis Consumption Awareness (ACCA) education night will take place Friday Night at UC Vape in Kitchener.
NOTE: There is a $5 admission fee,
and as I understand it from the Facebook Event Page you need to apply to attend.

The evening will featuring cannabis activists Abi Roach, founder of Hotbox Cafe and Cannabis Culture‘s Jodie Emery.

Ms Emery shared a video of her appearance with her husband Marc Emery before the Parliamentary Committee on Facebook.  Their view of the government’s proposed legislation not very good.

“There are more criminal offenses in the new Cannabis Act than there currently are in the existing legislation.”

Marc Emery, to Parliamentary Committee

Friday September 29th, 2017
UC Vape
33 Queen Street South
Kitchener, ON
N2G 1V8

[errata: corrections for  clarity ~ LLR Nov 21]

Mike Schreiner: “The #Green Party does not support the Monopolization of #Marijuana”

The 1936 Propaganda film “Reefer Madness” helped usher in new Prohibition against Cannabis

American Prohibition did not work.

Wikipedia points out:

Prohibition focused on the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages; however, exceptions were made for medicinal and religious uses. Alcohol consumption was never illegal under federal law. Nationwide Prohibition did not begin in the United States until January 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The 18th amendment was ratified in 1919, and was repealed in December, 1933, with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment.[28]

Not only did it not stop otherwise law abiding people from consuming alcohol, the costs — to the economy, the justice system and society — were staggering.

Although alcohol prohibition was repealed in 1933, one might wonder what gave rise to the new Prohibition against cannabis. Although films like “Reefer Madness” helped justify the early war on drugs, Wikipedia tells us Cannabis became illegal in Canada much earlier with “the Opium Act of 1908,[13] which was introduced based on a report by then-Deputy Minister of Labour, Mackenzie King.

Although the American Prohibition against alcohol never made drinking it illegal, the same was not true of cannabis prohibition in Canada, where users could be fined and imprisoned. As the 20th century wore on, the punishments became more severe, especially as Canada (again) followed the American lead.

A few decades ago this classic ad was part of “The War on Drugs”

Recently the same actress, Rachael Leigh Cook, reprised her role in this 2017 “Your Brain on Drug Policy” video.

The war on drugs is rooted in racist policies, and it’s failure has been as obvious as Prohibition.

During the 2015 election, the NDP talked about decriminalizing cannabis, but the Liberals said that wasn’t good enough; they would take a step further and legalize it.

Sadly voters again gave too much First Past The Post power to one of the same old parties promising “real change”. For real change, you have to vote smart– and different.

Although the Justin Trudeau Government says it will legalize cannabis, its about half way through its term and they keep arresting people.

The Green Party has better policy:

4.9 Ending the war on drugs

Elizabeth May, Green Party of Canada Leader
Elizabeth May

Between 2008 and 2011, according to the Department of Justice, Canada spent $311 million targeting illicit drugs, with a majority of that money going to law enforcement. Most of that was for the ‘war’ against cannabis (marijuana). Marijuana prohibition is also prohibitively costly in other ways, including criminalizing youth and fostering organized crime. Cannabis prohibition, which has gone on for decades, has utterly failed and has not led to reduced drug use in Canada.After analyzing the recommendation of the Canadian Senate’s 2002 Special Committee on Drugs and the examples of strategies used by some European countries, the Green Party of Canada has come to the conclusion that it is time to legalize the adult use of marijuana. Furthermore, the Greens believe that drug addictions should be treated as a health problem, not as criminal offences.

Green Party MPs will:

Legalize marijuana by removing marijuana from the drug schedule;

Create a regulatory framework for the safe production of marijuana by small, independent growers;

Develop a taxation rate for marijuana similar to that of tobacco;

Establish the sale of marijuana to adults for medicinal or personal use through licensed distribution outlets;

Educate the public about the health threats of marijuana, tobacco, and other drug use;

Launch a public consultation on the decriminalization of illicit drugs, considering the current high costs of the law enforcement effort;

Provide increased funding to safe injection sites, treatment facilities, and addict rehabilitation.

Unfortunately the way the Liberal majority government is doing this is not the way a Green government would have.

On September 8 of this year, Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party of Ontario, made the following comment regarding the proposed regulations for marijuana sales:

“This looks like another Liberal plan to say a lot and do very little, supporting big corporations and political insiders over local small businesses.

Mike Schreiner, Green party of Ontario Leader
Mike Schreiner

Having limited retail outlets across Ontario for legal marijuana will do virtually nothing to combat the huge illegal market.

The Green Party does not support the monopolization of marijuana. The marijuana industry should be like the craft brewery industry – helping build local businesses, creating local jobs and contributing tax dollars to local communities across the province.

The GPO supports strict regulations and controls for marijuana sales. The government can license retails outlets with strict rules focused on safety and health for small businesses.

This announcement at this time is a cynical ploy by the Liberals to divert attention from their ongoing legal scandals.”

[reblogged & expanded from Kitchener Conestoga Greens]

Upcoming @WR_Greens Events in September

Hello WR Green Party members, supporters and friends!

There are a number of events coming up in the (very) near future.

GPC logo
Green Party of Canada
What: GPC Policy Meeting
When: Friday, 15 September 2017 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Where: Kitchener Downtown Community Centre, 35 Weber St. W, Kitchener Map

The December SGM in Calgary tasked federal council to strike a committee of members from across the country to devise changes to how we develop policy in the party. Friday, September 15, we’re meeting in Kitchener to discuss the work of this group, and hear from you, the members, on how you feel we should proceed. (My apologies for the extremely short notice on this one! –Bob)

What: Open Streets WaterlooOpen Streets info table
When: Sunday, 17 September 2017 from Noon to 5:00pm
Where: Waterloo Public Square Map

We’ve been inspired by the Brantford-Brant Greens to try out a WRGreens button making set up where kids of all ages can create their own buttons. Come on out and give it a try!

What: IPM posterInternational Plowing Match
When: Tuesday, 19 September 2017 from 9:00am to 4:00pm
Where: Walton, Ontario Map

Every year the IPM is kicked off by a parade through the IPM grounds, and so the Green Party of Ontario attends and proudly shows its colours! The parade starts at 10:00am, we’re meeting at 9:00am in the parade assembly area. The parade takes about an hour, but there’s lots of other stuff to do!

What: “Beyond Crisis” film
When: Thursday, 21 September from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: Princess Twin Cinema, 46 King Street North, Waterloo Map
Tickets: $15, Eventbrite

“Beyond Crisis” is the sharing of a handcrafted story featuring over fifty voices from across the spectrum of climate engagement, with notable speakers including Dr. James Hansen, Naomi Klein, and many other thought leaders from across southern Ontario, Canada and the U.S. Meet the director Kai Reimer-Watts! (This is not a Green Party event)

What: KWPeace Perspectives on Peace: Peace In Our CommunityPerspectives on Peace: Peace In Our Community
When: Saturday, 30 September 2017 from 4:30pm to 9:00pm
Where: St. John the Evangelist Church, 23 Water Street, Kitchener Map

Join us for an evening of discussion and networking on the theme of building peace in Kitchener-Waterloo. Program includes a panel discussion, dinner (suggested donation is $10), and a chance to speak with organizers of the various Peace and Social Justice organizations in Waterloo Region. Richard Walsh is on the discussion panel, and WR Greens will have an information table.

WR Greens all logosThe five Waterloo Region provincial Constituents Associations will be having nomination meetings in the next few weeks to select candidates to run in the June 2018 provincial election. Interested in running, or meeting the nominees? Contact your local CA executives, or send a message to to get more information.

WR Greens logoFinally, we’re planning our (not so) regular WR Greens meeting. Help us choose a date and location at Poll: Fall 2017 Meeting

Remember, you can always see the WR Greens events on our calendar. Hope to see you at these events!


Bob Jonkman
Green Party member in Kitchener–Conestoga +1-226-476-4529
Web: Twitter: @BobJonkmanGPC
Vote for the person who will best represent you in your riding!

Subscribe to the WR Greens Mailing List to get event announcements like these, and participate in discussion.

September 17th: #WRGreens @OSWaterloo

The final Open Streets Waterloo of the 2017 season will take place from noon to 5pm, Sunday, September 17th, 2017.

We’ve been inspired by the Brantford-Brant Greens to try out a WRGreens button making set up where kids of all ages can create their own buttons.    Come on out and give it a try!

Once again you’ll find us in the Waterloo Square Marketplace.  Look for the WRGreens cube!  We hope to see you there!

[Reblogged from Kitchener—Conestoga Greens]

Join #GPO leader Mike Schreiner at the 2017 Plowing Match!

Did you know all the Members of Ontario’s Provincial Parliament get the day off work to visit the International Plowing Match?   The event is traditionally attended by leaders of all 4 of the top Ontario parties.  It can also be an excellent opportunity to ask questions of Mike (or any of the other party leaders).

Every year the IPM is kicked off by a parade through the IPM grounds, and so the Green Party of Ontario attends and proudly shows its colours!  Bob and I went out last year and had a great time, and we hope to again this year, and you’re invited too!

This year it’s being held near Walton, Ontario.  It’s  the 100th anniversary of the IPM, so whether you’ve ever attended before, you are in for a treat.
You can download the PDF of the IPM schedule of events for Tuesday here.

You’re invited to come out and march with Mike Schreiner and fellow Greens at the 2017 International Plowing Match Opening Parade in Huron County!

The parade will take place on Tuesday, September 19 in Walton, Ontario.

The parade will begin at 10:00 am sharp and Green supporters will be gathering at 9:00 am in the parade assembly area.

We would love to have you come out to show your support for the GPO, and join us in celebrating Ontario’s farmland and rural communities. Everyone is welcome!

If you plan on attending, please RSVP using our webform or email for more information.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Samantha Bird
Green Party of Ontario

P.S. Please remember to wear your Green Party t-shirts!

We hope to see you there!



[Reblogged from Kitchener—Conestoga Greens]

Great Fun in Paris

159th Annual Paris Fair159th Annual Paris FairDon’t miss the 159th Annual Paris Fair is on all weekend:
August 31st – September 4th, 2017 at the Paris Fairgrounds.

Bob Jonkman (#KitCon) joined Ken Burns (#BrantGreens) to help out on Friday (and had a great time!).

While you’re there, be sure to stop by the Brant Greens booth in the Curling building. They have an awesome photo booth where you can have your picture taken with your favourite cartoon or movie character. And they’ve got a water cooler so you can refill your water bottles at no charge.

And my personal favourite: kids of all ages are encouraged to drop by and make their own (free) button.

Ingrid and Bob thought Mike needed his own button too!

Mike gave a couple of interviews to the local print media

And we got to meet former Brant Greens candidate Nora Clemons Fueten, pictured here with current candidate Ken Burns and GPO Leader Mike Schreiner

This is a real country fair with all the trimmings.

There are rides for all, big and small.

And its a good place to meet old friends or make new ones.

You’ll find more photos from the Paris Fair in our new WRGreens Flickr Album!

Open Streets on Sunday!

It’s time for Uptown Waterloo Open Streets for August!   

There’s always lots to see and do at Open Streets.  Check out their website for more details

Drop by the WRGreens booth at the Waterloo Square Marketplace and pick up a free Parks Canada Discovery Pass!  (On a first come, first served basis.)


Congratulations Mike Schreiner! #GPO

Members of the Guelph Constituency Association for the Green Party of Ontario elected Mike Schreiner to be the Guelph Green Party Candidate for the next election at the (Green) Party in the park.  The rest of us were just there to have fun.

The (Green) Party in the Park was a big success.

We got to meet Adam Olsen, one of the newly minted BC Greens MLA who came out to support Mike Schreiner.

Adam gave us all a boost with his inspirational keynote speech.

Mike talked about what we’ve already accomplished as well as the things we need if we’re to bring about that green future we all need.

The fabulous Joni NehRita played a solo set to welcome us all to the park at the beginning of the picnic, and the awesome Andrew Craig Trio entertained us after the speeches.

The event was catered by The Schmuck Truck with cold deserts from Bluewater Creamery.

Folks from Barrie, Brantford and Kitchener and more from all over Ontario came to join the Guelph Greens in the party that accompanied Guelph’s candidate selection.

There were lots of things for kids to do but Mother Nature provides the best playground.

Mike’s got a clear vision of a Green future for the province of Ontario.  Won’t you join us to help bring it about?

You’ll find these and more photos from the (Green) Party In The Park in the Flickr Album