WRGreens will be represented at two important events this weekend.
OCTOBER 1st, 2016
Perspectives on Peace:
Local Approaches for Positive Change

Saturday October 2016
4:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Queen Street Commons Cafe
43 Queen Street South
Kitchener, Ontario
The Peace and Social Justice organizations in Kitchener-Waterloo came together for a symposium and workshop on creating a positive change in our local community. The event began with Keynote Speaker Dr. Simon Dalby, CIGI chair, whose work focuses climate change, political ecology, geopolitics, global security, environmental change, militarization, and the spatial dimensions of governance. Then after the speaker we will have sharing by local groups about their goals and projects, and collaborative visioning for the future of our community.
As you know, peace and social justice issues are values important to the Green Party. Stacey Danckert (Waterloo GPO) spoke for the WRGreens.
A hearty vegan local seasonal meal was provided.
This event is put on by KW Peace, a collective of peace and social justice groups passionate about working together and finding ways to encourage collaboration in our community. Please visit our website at http://kwpeace.ca/, where we also have an event calendar that advertises events related to peace and social justice. This event is part of IDOPAN – International Days of Peace and Nonviolence.
OCTOBER 2nd, 2016
Brantford-Brant Electoral Reform Community Forum
Sunday at Laurier
Brantford Campus
The Odeon Building
50 Market St. ~ Rm 110
Brantford, ON
(parking behind building)
Temara Brown (Cambridge GPO) will be speaking on behalf of WRGreens at Wilfred Laurier University’s Brantford Campus.
Have Your Say at the Electoral Reform Forum this Sunday!