CANCELLED: Post-Holiday Event with @WR_Greens

CANCELLED: Tonight’s Post-Holiday Event

Bad news, our Post-Holiday Event for tonight needs to be cancelled.

An unfortunate combination of last-minute cancellations, car troubles, and unavailability means that expected attendance is down to a handful of people. Rather than having a few people bring potato salad for dozens and having it go to waste, it’s better to cancel now, and have another event later in the spring when more of us can meet each other.

My apologies for the late notice; these things sneak up on you and then explode.

–Bob Jonkman
Event Planning Committee Chair

Christmas decorations, ornaments, and cookies Hello Waterloo Region Greens! Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Upcoming New Year!

The holidays are half over, and in the usual Christmas madness we’ve only now been able to get ourselves coordinated for our Holiday Event. Bryan Izzard has offered to host at his farmhouse in Baden on Saturday, 5 January 2019, starting at 6:00pm. I guess that makes it a Post-Holiday Event!

Join all your friends of the Waterloo Region Greens for a final celebration of the holidays and 2018’s accomplishments — and since it was an election year, there were many accomplishments!

It’s a potluck event, so bring an appetizer, sweet or savoury snacks, salad, fancy beverages, dinner entree, or dessert. And when you come, please label your dish if it contains wheat, nuts, eggs, dairy, meat, &c.

What: WR Greens Post-Holiday Event
When: Saturday, 5 January 2019 at 6:00pm
Where: Bryan Izzard’s house
Location: 3876 Sandhills Road, Baden, Ontario

If anyone needs a ride you can ask your fellow WR Greens on this Discussion List, or send me an e-mail to say whether you need a ride or can offer one, and I’ll sort ride-givers and ride-takers, make a list (and check it twice). Don’t forget to include your address!

And shortly after our Post-Holiday Event we’ll have another regular WR Greens meeting on Wednesday, 9 January 2019. We need to set up candidate nomination dates for the EDAs (there’s a federal election in 2019!), and start planning for the summer’s festival events and other political happenings.

What: WR Greens Regular Meeting
When: Wednesday, 9 January 2018 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm, followed by Social Night
Where: Innovation42 Co-Working Space (tentative)
Location: 2nd Floor, 283 Duke Street West, Kitchener, Ontario

I’ll send out a reminder early that week with confirmation of the meeting location.

See you all at Bryan’s house on Saturday, 5 January!

–Bob Jonkman
Event Planning Committee Chair


Bob Jonkman
Green Party Member in Kitchener — Conestoga +1-226-476-4529
Web: Twitter: @BobJonkmanGPC
Vote for the person who will best represent you in your riding!


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