Tomorrow (Sunday June 5th, 2016) is a busy day for WRGreens. It is the first session of Waterloo’s Kris and Bryan’s 2nd Learning Community on the topic of Guaranteed Livable Income, which features a presentation by Basic Income Waterloo‘s John Green. [The day & time are the same but the venue did change.]
These sessions are open to the public, so feel free to bring anyone who is interested, Green or not 🙂
I am sad to have to miss this session, but tomorrow afternoon I’ll be staffing a WRGreens Information Booth at the TriPride Festival at Kitchener City Hall. I’ve been putting together some fresh materials, made stickers and I’ve put together this map. The visual demarcation of the electoral districts was taken from the excellent Redistribution of Federal Electoral Districts website, but this is primarily a graphic representation which may not be entirely accurate around the edges. This was created to give visitors to the Waterloo Greens information booth an idea of where the #WRGreens districts are.
I also used the OpenStreetMap® which is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).
Tiles by MapQuest licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (CC BY-SA)
I’m looking forward to tomorrow; maybe I’ll see you at Kitchener City Hall for the family friendly TriPride festivities!