Yes! Cambridge Town Hall Meeting on #RankedBallots — Thursday, 11 Oct 2018

Hi WR Greens: Did you know that voters in Cambridge have a referendum question on Ranked Ballots this municipal election:

Are you in favour of the City of Cambridge using a ranked ballot voting system for the 2022 municipal election?

The Yes! Cambridge | Campaign for Ranked BallotsYes! Cambridge advocacy group is holding an informational Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, 11 October 2018 at 7:00pm for anyone who wants to know more about how Ranked Ballots could work, and what the effects might be on campaigns and elections.

Note that this is not a Green Party event, but since electoral reform is a fundamental Green Party policy I expect it’s of interest, especially for those people living and voting in Cambridge.

What: Yes! Cambridge Town Hall Meeting on Ranked Ballots
When: Thursday, 11 October 2018 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Where: Wesley United Church
Location: 6 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Ontario Map

If you’re on Facebook, sign up for the Town Hall Meeting at Town Hall: What is the Cambridge referendum all about? | Facebook

For more info at send e-mail to


(Full disclosure: I’m working with the Yes! Cambridge team!)