Painting By-Elections #Green!

Elections Canada is holding 5 By-Elections across Canada on April 3rd, 2017.

An excellent way for small parties to break through the disproportional elections barrier is by making a splash in a by-election.  During a general federal election, everyone has their own riding to think about.  But when there are By-elections, a grass root party like the Greens can build itself a major advantage by strengthening our network by beefing up our numbers with cross border cooperation.

Here’s the thing: if you can help get a neighbouring Green candidate elected during a by-election, it will be that much easier to get more Greens elected in 2019 ~ perhaps even the candidate in your own riding!.

There’s less than a week left!!!


Daniel Green

Daniel Green's GPC web page

@DanielGreen_PVC on Twitter

 Daniel Green - Parti vert du Canada






Caryn Bergmann

Caryn Bergmann's Green Party web page




“We need change, we need action, and we need strong leaders to help make it happen. There is only so much one person can do, but one person can do so much.”
— Caryn Bergmann

Nira Dookeran

Nira Dookeran's GPC web page

@OttVanierGreens (Nira Dookeran)

Nira Dookeran on Facebook page






Ryan Zedic

Ryan Zedic GPC web pageRyan Zedic on Facebook

Calgary Midnapore




Taryn Knorren

Taryn KnorrenTaryn Knorren GPC Webpage@TarynKnorren on Twittertknorren on Instagram

Calgary Heritage

Elections Canada Riding Map



How To Help

For those living close by, volunteering your time, whether to:

  • organize,
  • help out at events,
  • hand out flyers,
  • knock on doors (canvass),
  • stuff envelopes,
  • put up signs,
  • to answer phones
  • or whatever …

…even just a few hours here and there could make all the difference.

Attend events & debates to cheer them on!

No matter where you live, donations will help any of these candidates.

The one thing Greens are not using to the fullest is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal: social media.

Many of us are frugal about sharing things to our social media feeds because we are concerned about annoying our friends.  What people don’t realize is that Facebook, Twitter etc. don’t show everything we post to all of our friends and followers.

Even if you live on the other side of the country and don’t know a soul in the candidate’s riding, liking, retweeting and sharing will help them … because the more people engage, the more the candidate’s Social Media platform will spread their posts to more of their own followers!

Do you want to see Green videos go viral?  Share them!

Do you want to build a meme?  Share it!

Twitter tip: a <3 isn't as good as a Retweet.

EVERY time you share anything on Twitter or Facebook etc. you will be helping help increase the candidate’s social media reach ~ and increasing her odds of being elected!  .

Do you want to elect Green candidates?  Help make NOISE!

Help make HISTORY!

Tragedy in Sainte-Foy, Québec

6 dead, 8 injured in terrorist attack at Quebec City mosque
On January 29th, 2017

Our hearts go with Alex Tyrrell, leader of the Quebec Green Party who will attend the citizen’s initiative Vigile de solidarité avec les musulman-es de Québec #SalamQc.

Here in Waterloo Region we’re having our own Prayer and Solidarity Vigil organised by @KitchenerMasjid tonight from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at Kitchener City Hall

Elizabeth May tweeted:

Devastated to hear of murderous attack on Quebec City mosque. As Greens, we join Prime Minister in condemning attack. It is heartbreaking.
WRGreens are in full agreement with the sentiments expressed by Ms. May and Prime Minister Trudeau.

To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada

WRGreens stand with all Canadians who believe we must extend a safe haven to those newly denied by President Trump’s latest Executive Order.

We sincerely hope the Prime Minister follows up… and because things often get lost in the shiffle, it never hurts to remind our elected officials (especially in a winner-take-all democracy) that we really do expect them to see it through.   Just in case, supporting the Leadnow Petition to Tell Trudeau: Welcome Those Fleeing Violence and Deportation Under Trump may very well help.

Attacking innocents is not the Canadian Way.  Our strength is in our diversity.