Proportional Representation was the topic we explored in the first Green Learning Community series hosted by the Green Party of Waterloo’s Kris Braun and Bryan Izzard.
Recently you’ve likely heard of Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI), sometimes called Basic Income, which was implemented in a Western town as a pilot program called “Mincome” in the 1970’s. Since the GLI is an important Green Party policy plank, this is a good opportunity to figure out what this radical social policy is all about. As a learning community, we’ll set our own direction and investigate with open minds. Our series will likely have three sessions, but you’re welcome to come to any even if you miss others.
Our first session will feature a presentation from John Green from Basic Income Waterloo Region and brainstorming on what we’d like to learn for our next session.

The event is free but signing up is recommended (in case of updates, etc) ~ you can also sign up on the Facebook event page.
Sunday June 5th, 2016
1:30pm – 3:00pm
at Seven Shores Urban Market & Cafe
10 Regina St. N Unit 4, Waterloo, ON, N2J 2Z8
UPDATE: The first learning community date is going to be rescheduled… I’ll update this again when I know when!
The first Basic Income Learning Community will still be held on Sunday, but in a different venue:
Sunday June 5th, 2016
1:30pm – 3:00pm
The Journey – a Christian Church
16 Eby St N, Kitchener, Ontario N2H 2V6
*note: this is not a religious meeting