My favorite Kitchener Restaurant is Egg Roll King (519) 749-9869
Tony, our esteemed host and the proprietor of Egg Roll King, cautions us that cooking from fresh food takes time, so food will be ready when it is ready, not at once. That said, both vegetarian fare and menu substitutions are possible. I told him that we understnad and will be patient. (And play games.)
NOTE: Courtland Avenue has been under serious construction from Queen to Stirling. The section of Courtland in front of the restaurant is newly paved, but was still blocked off last week. I recommend not trying to drive on Courtland between Queen and Peter (where we nearly got stuck ;)
There is usually street parking, but after hours it is possible to park around the corner in the
Egg Roll King should be transit accessible, but I'm not entirely sure how, and the bus stop at Courtland & Peter is most likely temporarily elsewhere.
It is walkable from downtown. If you are like me and need landmarks, The Walper Hotel is located at the intersection of King and Queen, across the street from the top left corner of my map. Frederick street metamorphosizes into Benton Street just south of King, and that giant curvey New Life fitness (former Eaton Centre) is located at the King & Frederick intersection.
I can't ever recall ever having fresh fortune cookies before Egg Roll King (who knew they could taste good?). And no, Tony is not paying me to say this :)
Hope to see you there Thursday!
— Laurel L. Russwurm
My map is not to scale, but, like the photos, is legal to copy, print and use any way you wish becaused it's all licensed by laurelrusswurm under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
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